1. Vectorizing std::merge with vpermd from AVX2 and lookup table

    Recently I stumbled upon a question on stackoverflow, which asked how to vectorize computing symmetric difference of two sorted int32 arrays using AVX2. I decided to try doing it myself, and this post is about what I achieved. Of course, the best way to compute symmetric difference of sorted sets is by running ordinary merge algorithm (e.g. with std::merge) for the arrays plus some simple postprocessing. I'll concentrate only on the generic merging algorithm here.

    I'll handle 32-bit integer keys only. Having keys of larger size would reduce significantly the efficiency of the algorithm (as usual with vectorization). Using 32-bit floating point keys is not much different from using integer keys; moreover, sorting 32-bit floats can be easily reduced to sorting 32-bit integers, which is often used to run radix sort on floating point data (see this and that). Also I'll briefly discuss the case when 32-bit values are attached to 32-bit keys (sorting without values is pretty useless in practice).

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